Pharmacological Potential of Polyherbal Root Extracts Combination for the Management of Nephrotic Disorders in Rats

Author Details

Harikesh Maurya, Sunil Kumar, Tirath Kumar

Journal Details


Published: 20 August 2018 | Article Type :


Objective: The present study was designed to evaluate pharmacological activity of polyherbal combination of root extract ‘BCCTFV’ for the management of nephrotic disorders in rats.

Methods: Nephrotoxicity was induced by administration of gentamicin i.p. 100mg/kg for 7 days in experimental animal. The effect of simultaneous administration of hydroalcoholic root extract of BCCTFV prepared for combining six medicinal herbs, i.e., B. diffusa, C. nurvala, C. fistula, T. cordifolia, F. hispida and V. negundo for the suppression of nephrotic symptoms. The prepared extract was administered at different dose level, i.e., 12.5mg/kg, 25mg/kg, and 50mg/kg body weight and the marketed drug Cystone 500mg/kg was used as standard control.

Result: The study reveals that in BCCTFV treated rats maintained all the elevated parameters such as serum creatinine (1.40±0.57mg/dl), serum urea (22.72±1.73 mg/dl), serum uric acid (2.98±0.44 mg/dl) and blood urea nitrogen (21.66±1.88 mg/dl) levels and also evident by the histopathological analysis.

Conclusion: Finally it was concluded that the hydroalcoholic extract of BCCTFV 25mg/kg shows better response to protect rats’ kidney and maintain all those markers causing nephrotic disorder.

Keywords: BCCTFV, Nephroprotective, Gentamicin, Creatinine, Urea, Uric acid, BUN.

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How to Cite


Harikesh Maurya, Sunil Kumar, Tirath Kumar. (2018-08-20). "Pharmacological Potential of Polyherbal Root Extracts Combination for the Management of Nephrotic Disorders in Rats." *Volume 1*, 1, 19-27